
Stop to smell, and learn about, the flowers at Ambler Farm!

September 23, 2024

Have you noticed the new signs around the farm? They were recently installed by Girl Scouts and Ambler Farm Apprentices Bridget and Genevieve. Early each spring, Ambler Farm staff and volunteers start growing flowers from seed and plant them around the farm to help designate Ambler Farm as a property supportive of the pollinator pathway. Over the summer, for their Girl Scout project, Bridget and Genevieve made signs for each variety of flower grown at the farm. There are also QR codes that take visitors to a website they designed that gives further information about each plant.

Thank You to Bridget and Genevieve for helping visitors make connections with what they see as they stroll through the fields and help explain the good things growing at Ambler Farm. Knowledge is (flower) power!